Tonight we all got together to watch Beev open his mission call. He is going to be serving in the Peoria, Illinois Mission, and will be leaving on January 6, 2010. For those of you who do not understand the relationship that we have with out brother let me explain. Tiffany, Amber, and I are all within a few years of each other in age and then there was Bryant, 5 years after the fact. Naturally we all took him on as one of our own, and we like to say he has 4 mothers. However, no matter what the difference in age I know that he has three sisters who are looking up to him as if he were the big brother. I am so proud of him and choice he has made in life to get him to this point. He has always had a strong head on his shoulders and that has made all the difference. He is a leader and not a follower and will make an excellent missionary. We are going to miss him and I know that my girls will miss him a lot, but the people in Illinois need him to bring them the true gospel. What an honor it is for my daughters to have an uncle like him to look up to. Beev you are our Hero!